Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Professor (July 2011 – present)
- Interim Director, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (2021)
- Associate Director, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (2017 – 2020)
- Associate Department Head, Aeronautics and Astronautics (2014-2018)
- Associate Professor with Tenure (July 2006 – June 2011)
- Associate Professor (June 2003 – June 2006)
- Assistant Professor (August 1999 – June 2003)
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AA), Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), Operations Research Center (ORC)
- Teaching communications and networking classes in the AA and EECS Departments.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Member of Technical Staff (August 1993 –August 1999).
- Developed architectures for future military satellite networks.
- Project leader for Next Generation Internet (NGI) all optical networking project.
Northeastern University, College of Computer Science
- Adjunct Professor (January 1994 – June 1999).
- Taught courses on computer networks at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
National Research Council/Naval Research Laboratory
- Post Doctoral Fellow (August 1992 – July 1993).
- Conducted research in the area of network performance analysis.
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering – August, 1992
University of Maryland, College Park.
Major Area: Communications. Minor Area: Computer Architecture.
Advisor: Prof. Anthony Ephremides
Thesis: Security and Performance Issues in Distributed Protocols.
M.S. in Electrical Engineering – August, 1989
University of Maryland, College Park.
Thesis: Communication Complexity of Secure Distributed Computation in the Presence of Noise.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – June, 1986
(Dual Degrees in both Electrical Engineering and in Computer Science)
University of Connecticut, Storrs.
- IEEE Fellow
- AIAA Associate Fellow
- MIT AIAA undergraduate teaching award (2011, 2022)
- IEEE INFOCOM Achievement Award for pioneering contributions to the analysis and design of
cross-layer resource allocation algorithms for wireless, optical, and satellite networks (2020) - MIT Committed to Caring Award (2018)
- University of Connecticut Academy of Distringuished Engineers (2018)
- IEEE Infocom Best Paper Award (2018)
- ACM MobiHoc Best Paper Award (2018)
- ACM MobiHoc Best Paper Award (2016)
- ACM Sigmetrics/Performance 2006 Best Paper Award (2006)
- Wiopt 2005 Best Student Paper Award (2005)
- INFOCOM 2003 Best Paper Award Finalist (2003)
- Mobicom 2003 Best Paper Award Finalist (2003)
- National Research Council Fellow (1992 – 1993)
- General Co-Chair, IEEE Wiopt 2021
- Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE DRCN 2015
- Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE Infocom 2007
- Technical Program Co-Chair, ACM MobiHoc 2007
- Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE Wiopt 2006
- Technical Program Co-Chair, High-Speed Networking workshop, (part of Infocom 2002)
Editor-in-Chief, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (2017-2020)
Associate Editor:
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (2008 to 2017)
- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory – Communication Networks area (2005 to 2008)
- AIAA Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communications (2003 to 2020)
- The International Journal of Satellite Communications (2002 to Present)
- Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking Journal (2003 to 2005)
- Optical Networks Magazine (2000 to 2004)
- Elsevier Computer Networks Journal (1999 to 2002)
Guest Editor for:
- IEEE JSAC special issue on WDM network architectures (2001)
- Computer Networks Journal special issue on Broadband Internet Access (1999)
- Journal of Communications and Networks issue on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks (2004)
- IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology special issue on Optical Networks (2005)
- IEEE JSAC special issue on Age of Information (2020)
TPC member:
- IEEE Infocom (1999 – 2018)
- ACM MobiHoc (2003, 2007)
- IEEE Wiopt
- IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) (2003, 2004, 2005)
- IEEE Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRSN)(2003, 2005)
- Opticom (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004)
- Allerton Conference (1999, 2000, 2001)
- IEEE Globecom (1998, 2000)
- IEEE ISCC (2000, 2001, 2002)
- IEEE ICC (2003)
- IEEE BroadNets (2004)
- Lincoln Laboratory
- Aerospace Corporation (June 2005 to January 2006)
- General Dynamics (August 2002 to August 2003)
- Sycamore Networks (June 2000 to Dec. 2000)
- Packet Scheduling Based on Message Length
- AF Invention number: AFB00488
- US Statutory Invention Registration No. H2103 H